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Developer’s Toolkit

Building Permits Process

All new construction, repairs and alterations in Ashland require building permits. The permits ensure compliance with city codes and the Americans with Disabilities Act. The following section outlines the building permit process.


Bill Krejci

Building and Zoning Official



Provide preliminary plans and specifications to permits and inspections. Includes application fee and all necessary attachments.


Examination of Plans

City and applicable parties will review plans for completeness and adherence to municipal codes. If revisions are necessary, the city will coordinate with the developer. (Up to 30-day completion process)


Issuance of Permit

Once all reviewers sign off on the plans, the permit will be issued. The developer must begin within six (6) months of issuance of the permit and be completed within twelve (12) months or request an extension.


Construction Inspection

Notify the Permits and Inspections Department at appropriate stages of construction to schedule inspections and, if necessary, reinspection.


Certificate of Occupancy Issuance

Following passage of final inspection, the certificate of occupancy will be issued.

Floodplain Development

(Section 5.19 of City Code)

Certain areas of the city are designated as floodplains due to a higher probability of significant flooding. The Floodplain Overlay district is indicated on the zoning map. Construction in the floodplain must meet specific standards relating to such items as finished floor elevation or flood-proofing in order to ensure the safety and durability of the structures. Base zoning regulations still apply in the Floodplain Overlay District. The floodplain development permit must be obtained before an application for a building permit. Once the construction is complete and the structure is occupied, the applicant must submit a completed Elevation Certificate to the Planning Department.


Bill Krejci

Building and Zoning Official



Complete the application form including general information about the project, and provide one set of plans (including elevations in the area, proposed structures, fill, drainage facilities and storage materials).



City staff review site and its proposed use. Staff may request revisions to the application until it satisfies compliance with floodplain development regulations.


Development Permit Issuance

Permit is issued and a building permit may be filed. Applicants must submit a completed Elevation Certificate prior to occupancy.

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