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Housing Stats

Ashland’s Population

Ashland’s population has steadily increased from the year 2000. The previous two decennial censuses recorded a population increase in the city of Ashland of 191 people, which is about 19.1%. Spanning over 1 mile, Ashland has a population density of 2,512 people per square mile. As of 2021, the population reached 3,086, holding the position of the 48th largest city in Nebraska.

This population increase is mostly caused by young professionals and families moving to the community. The age group that has increased the most over time is the “19 and under” age group, followed by the “20-34” age group. There are many opportunities for young people and families in and around Ashland, and the area is perfect for those looking for a quiet neighborhood with plenty to do.

Welcome to Ashland


Current Households



Currently, about 1,003 households exist in Ashland, consisting of 648 owners and 355 renters.

The town has an estimated 1,109 available housing units, consisting of about 707 owners and 402 rental units. Of these 1,109 units, approximately 106 are vacant. This means that Ashland has an estimated housing vacancy rate of 9.5%. Of those 106 vacant available units, 49 are owner units and 57 are rental units, meaning that both types of living conditions are readily available within city limits.

If you are looking to buy a home, the Ashland median owner housing value is an estimated $206,250. If you’re looking to rent, a total of six affordable housing programs are available, as well as Oxbow Living Center and the Ashland Care Center. These programs comprise 230 total units of affordable housing, as well as assisted living and skilled nursing units.

Be on the lookout for an updated Ashland housing study!

Ashland Public Schools

Ashland-Greenwood Public Schools is defined by the strong family-oriented community and the school’s commitment to excellence in education.

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